Well, today was a really short, really cold, really wet day of riding.
I got up at 0630 and went for breakfast at the little restaurant that serves the little motel where we spent the night.
Approaching the screen door I saw this soaking wet little fella hanging out in the parking lot.
The forlorn look on his face sums up the day perfectly.
Breakfast was good – pretty much the highlight of the day, really.
The temperature never climbed past 7 degrees Celsius, and the rain just got heavier as the day drew forth.
theshnizzle continued to ride with me today. We stopped to dry out and warm up in Dryden, still intent on making it to Riding Mountain National Park by nightfall, however a subsequent stop to warm up in Kenora was when we both looked at each other silently hoping that the other person was thinking the same – f*#k this, let’s get a room.
And that’s exactly what we did.
350 kilometres in 6 hours.
Not a stellar day.
The forecast calls for sun tomorrow.
I’m am rather happy to hear that.
Up Next: Kenora To Grasslands National Park
Hey Joe,
Ata boy you are on the road living the dream. It’s Allan from the East Coast who was picking your brain about tires and what not for my up coming trek up the TRANS Taiga in July. I followed your lead and got me a pair of Mitas E07’s. I’ll strap them on in a few weeks. I really liked your video of your packing and hopefully your cat’s not in the bag, sort of speak.
All the best Joe and I’ll be following your progress in anticipation of my own departure.
Hey, thanks for dropping by Allan. Ha, no, the cat managed to escape my packing prowess.
It was a fun video – I’m glad you liked it. Enjoy your adventure Allan – the Trans Taiga is well worthy of the term,
Welcome to the start of the prairies! You are going to go from 7 degrees and cold/wet, to 29 degrees on Thursday in Manitoba. Today Wednesday is already a perfect day with 22 degrees and very little wind. It’s always a good idea to not try to be a hero when the weather is truly miserable. Break out the sunscreen!
You called the weather perfectly – it was 23 degrees and sunny through Manitoba, and 27 degrees and sunny in southern Saskatchewan where I am now. Finally, some warm, sunny weather.