Where Is Your Next Horizon?
I stumbled across the Horizons Unlimited website and bulletin board while researching adventure motorcycle riding in late 2014, and it was there that I first read about their adventure travellers meetings.
I attended my first Horizons Unlimited Travellers Meeting in June of 2015, just outside of Orillia, Ontario, to see if it was ‘for’ me.
Yes, it most definitely was, and is ‘for me.’ The Horizons Unlimited Ontario 2018 Travellers Meeting will be my 4th time attending.
If you have never been to a Horizons Unlimited Travellers Meeting, or f you are not familiar with the website, I urge you to check it out at this link:
Just make sure that you have a couple of hours to spare, because it is really easy to spend time on this website.
Once you have surfed around the site, you’ll know whether or not the idea of a long weekend spent with 2 or 3 hundred like-minded individuals sounds like an appealing idea. And if you’re still reading, well, I’m guessing your interest has been piqued.
Horizons Unlimited Travellers Meetings
The Horizons Unlimited Travellers Meetings are substantially different from any other gathering, or rally that you might attend.
Not restricted to any one type or class of bike, or rider, the HU Traveller Meetings are as open and welcoming as you can imagine. Any form of transportation is celebrated, and many often show up in overland vehicles of the 4 or 6 wheeled type, including Unimogs, Transit vans, Jeeps and Land Cruisers.
Long-distance bicycle riders have even been known to drop by.
By and large though the most popular expression of overland travel represented at these gatherings is of the 2-wheeled type. Motorcycles of all types, shapes, models and sizes can be seen laden with gear and bags, panniers and fairings adorned with the badges of the overland traveler – stickers from the various locations that they have followed the front tire of their 2-wheeled steeds to, over mountain ranges; across deserts, and in many cases across the sea!
From the Victory cruiser that one fellow rode from New York city to Ushuaia to the heavily laden V-Strom known affectionately as Samsonite, there is no wrong motorcycle for an adventure traveler.
Yes, the majority of the riders that come to the event arrive on what we have all come to know as ‘adventure’ motorcycles, and BMW is largely over-represented with their epitome of adventure stallions, but you are also going to see something from virtually every segment imaginable. From Ducati’s to Honda C90’s, late ‘80’s Goldwings to full dresser Harley’s, it soon becomes apparent that it does not matter what you ride. What matters is your passion for riding.
And once you’ve arrived, the hardest decisions you will make over the next 3 days are: what presentation do I go to next? Or do I go and test ride one of the new Honda’s? Maybe take a ½ day course in riding technique? Take part in the Horizons Unlimited Mini Mountain Madness Scavenger Hunt?
Oh, the decisions!!!
Well, part of the reason for me writing this post is to help you to start making those decisions now.
In the meeting hall at Horizons Unlimited Ontario
There is already an exciting list of presenters booked for the 2018 event at Rice Lake, Ontario and the list keeps growing. Follow the link to the Horizons Unlimited Ontario 2018 Homepage.
Check it out, and make some notes. Let the planning begin!
Horizons Unlimited Ontario 2018