Michael Herrera was off-roading in Alabama last week on a dual-sport motorcycle when he took a hard fall.
As a retired firefighter, Herrera realized his injuries were serious. He was alone. He pressed the S.O.S button on his SPOT Gen3. Forty minutes later, an ATV and an ambulance were onsite treating 3 broken ribs, a broken collarbone, and a partially collapsed lung.
And so . . .
Herrera became SPOT’s 4,000th rescue.
As a professional first responder, Herrera says he has always believed in having reliable protective and emergency gear. He says SPOT has consistently been in his arsenal of emergency gear and protection.
Until my accident, I’d only used my SPOT for tracking so my wife could be aware of my location when riding off-road. It was gratifying to know that my SPOT delivered on its promise when I needed SAR services
Most adventure and off-road riders will already be familiar with the Gen3 as part of their personal gear or as a mainstay of organized adventure rallies everywhere. I purchased mine when getting ready for my run in the Fundy Adventure Rally.
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